Patterns / Roue complexe test

Our strategic orientations for innovation

Technological advances and breakthrough innovations not only open up new perspectives but also deal a new hand in terms of corporate strategy and culture.

Naval Group implements a multidisciplinary innovation strategy, with efforts centred around six strategic orientations for innovation.

- Smart Naval Force: Coordination and connectivity of the air-sea force.
- Invulnerable Ship: Stealth and resilience.
- Smart Ship: Digital, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity.
- Blue Ship: Energy optimisation and ecodesign.
- Smart Availability: Reliability and endurance at sea.
- Smart Industry: Digitalisation and Shipyard 4.0.

    Smart Naval Force: Coordination and Connectivity of the air-sea force

    Ensure superiority in terms of operations, information and fleet engagement in all kinds of missions, thanks to coordinated operations between manned platforms and drones.

    Naval Group makes continuous improvements to its ships’ combat capabilities in all areas of warfare including collaborative engagement, new generation of underwater weapons, support in running operations and in deploying drones (UAV, UUV and USV).


    Smart Naval Force

    Invulnerable Ship: Stealth and Resilience

    Improving naval and military performance to guarantee ship stealth and resilience irrespective of the threats and attacks faced.

    Naval Group guarantees its customers the best naval and military performance thanks to major innovations in the fields of stealth and signature control, shock resistance, hull and structures (hull form, appendages, stabilisation systems etc.) and protection from war-related damage and accidents.


    Invulnerable Ship

    Smart Ship: Digital, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity

    Stepping up ship automation as well as the integration of the latest digital technologies and artificial intelligence to improve information processing capabilities.

    Naval Group equips its ships with scalable onboard digital infrastructure, making it possible to centralise and use operational data, new onboard AI and new systems of communication, navigation and cybersecurity.


    Blue Ship: Energy optimisation and Ecodesign

    Equip warships with an optimised and scalable energy architecture, capable of integrating new sources of energy and new consumers, meeting the specific needs of users, while respecting international environmental standards.

    Naval Group is developing and integrating new means of energy production and storage (lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells), equipment required for the electrification of platforms and intelligent systems for the tactical management of energy. Ecodesign is an integral part of these developments.


    Blue Ship

    Smart Availability: Reliability and Endurance at sea

    Provide our customers with reliable and resistant ships as well as new crew training means to increase the availability of their naval force.

    Naval Group is designing a brand-new services offer for its customer navies: intelligent systems for predictive maintenance, diagnostic tools and services to improve in-service support (ISS).
    The group is also developing latest-generation simulators to train crews as well as modern naval infrastructures.


    Smart Availability

    Smart Industry: Digitalisation and Shipyard 4.0

    Offer products and services that are competitive in terms of cost, lead times and quality thanks to a flexible and responsive digital industrial tool.

    Naval Group is developing advanced simulation tools and new processes to ensure that the group is equipped with its own unique know-how and in order to optimise product design and construction. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), additive manufacturing and augmented reality are also at the core of our Smart Industry strategy.


    Smart Industry

    Illustration of the Smart Industry concept